In-Person 100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program
You're invited to the in-person 100-Hour Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga Teacher Training; this program was designed for those who are looking to deepen their practice and teaching.

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program - April 2025
A Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga Teacher Training, this program was designed for those who are looking to deepen their practice and teaching. The program is divided into two modules, in person and virtual. Students can take one module or do the whole program.

Online 170-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program
You're invited to the online 300-Hour Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga Teacher Training, which was designed for those looking to deepen their practice and teaching.

May 2025 Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
Explore peak postures, pranayamas, and meditation in a 2-hour vinyasa class in May 2025!

Whether you're a teacher looking to assist your students in the standing series or a student looking to understand how to do the poses correctly in your own body, this workshop will benefit you.

July 2025 Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
Explore peak postures, pranayamas, and meditation in a 2-hour vinyasa class in July 2025!

September 2025 Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
Explore peak postures, pranayamas, and meditation in a 2-hour vinyasa class in September 2025!

October 2025 Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
Explore peak postures, pranayamas, and meditation in a 2-hour vinyasa class in October 2025!

November 2025 Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
Explore peak postures, pranayamas, and meditation in a 2-hour vinyasa class in November 2025!

December 2025 Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
Explore peak postures, pranayamas, and meditation in a 2-hour vinyasa class in December 2025!

November Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
Explore peak postures, pranayamas, and meditation in a 2-hour vinyasa class in November!

Baskin’ in the Baja - Yoga Retreat
Join Clara Roberts-Oss for a week of yoga from November 2-9th at one of the most exquisite retreat locations - Prana Del Mar, in Baja, Mexico.

Hands On Adjustments weekend workshop
Hands on assists can help students understand the alignment of the pose for their own bodies. Learn how to discern what is needed to help them gain awareness, proper alignment and perhaps go deeper. Join Clara Roberts-Oss for a weekend of exploring different ways we can express yoga poses.

Level 2 - online Art of Vinyasa Yoga Sequencing Training
Part two of Art of Sequencing. In this module we’ll dive deeper into theming and philosophy. How to create strong themes and weave them throughout the class.

May Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
Explore peak postures, pranayamas, and meditation in a 2-hour vinyasa class in May!

February Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
Explore peak postures, pranayamas, and meditation in a 2-hour vinyasa class in February!

Subtle Body Series - Mantra Workshop
Join Clara for a 2-hour workshop to explore the subtle body through mantra (chanting).

Baskin’ in the Baja - Prana Del Mar Retreat 2023
Join Clara Roberts-Oss for a week of yoga from November 4-11th at one of the most exquisite retreat locations - Prana Del Mar, Mexico.

Virtual Vinyasa Morning Intensive On October 27th, 28th, 29th
Take a 2-hour vinyasa yoga class with Clara on Friday, October 27th - Sunday October 29th.

Subtle Body Series - Meditation Workshop
Join Clara for a 2-hour workshop to explore the subtle body through meditation.

Subtle Body Series - Pranayama Workshop
Join Clara for a 2-hour workshop to explore the subtle body through pranayama (breath work).

Business of Yoga - Part 3 - The Nitty Gritty: Marketing, Taxes & More!
Join Clara for a 2-hour workshop on how to step it up as an entrepreneur and market yourself!

Business of Yoga - Part 2 - Launch Your Yoga School
Join Clara for a 2-hour workshop on how to launch your own yoga school with 200&300 Hour Programs.

Business of Yoga - Part 1 - How to Lead workshops & Yoga Retreats
Join Clara for a 2-hour workshop on how to host, manage, and market a yoga retreat/workshop virtually or abroad.

Online Art of Sequencing Yoga Teacher Training - March 2023
A 16-Hour * Yoga Alliance Accredited* Online Yoga Teacher Training on March 4th + 11th with Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Clara Roberts-Oss.

Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Morning Intensive February 16th, 17th, 18th
Take a 2-hour vinyasa yoga class with Clara Roberts-Oss from 6-8am PST from Thursday, February 16th - Saturday, February 18th.

Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Morning Intensive November 17th, 18th, 19th
Take a 2-hour vinyasa yoga class with Clara Roberts-Oss from 6-8am PST from Thursday, Nov 17th - Saturday, Nov 19th.

Weekly Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class - October
Join Clara every Friday in October for a Vinyasa Flow Yoga class at Dance Co on Yew Street from 12-1:15 PM! This class is open to all levels.

Weekly Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class - September
Join Clara every Friday in September for a Vinyasa Flow Yoga class at Dance Co on Yew Street from 12-1:15 PM! This class is open to all levels.

Weekly Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class - August
Join Clara for two Fridays in August for a Vinyasa Flow Yoga class at Dance Co on Yew Street from 4-5:15 PM! This class is open to all levels.

Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Morning Intensive - July 2022
Join a 2-hour yoga practice from 6-8 AM in July on Friday 15th, Saturday 16th, Friday 22nd, and Saturday 23rd.

Art of Sequencing Yoga Teacher Training - Summer 2022
A 20-Hour * Yoga Alliance Accredited* Online Yoga Teacher Training on July 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd with Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Clara Roberts-Oss.

Weekly Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class - July
Join Clara every Friday in July for a Vinyasa Flow Yoga class at Dance Co on Yew Street from 4-5:15 PM! This class is open to all levels.

Friday Night Assembly - Vishnu
Join us for a Friday Night Assembly on Vishnu, the Lord of Preservation and one of the Hindu Gods of the Trimurti.

Friday Night Assembly - Brahma
Join us for a Friday Night Assembly on Brahma, the Lord of Creation and one of the Hindu Gods of the Trimurti.

Friday Night Assembly - Power of Myth
Join us for a Friday Night Assembly on the Power of Myth in a discussion with Clara Roberts-Oss and Shiv Derek-Oss.

Friday Night Assembly - Durga
Join us for a Friday Night Assembly on Durga, Warrior Goddess of Protection and Inner Strength.

January Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Morning Intensive
Join the January Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Morning Intensive—take a two-hour yoga class on the 4 Fridays in January from 6-8 AM PST.
Yoga classes are on January 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th.

Friday Night Assembly - Lakshmi
Join us for a Friday Night Assembly on Lakshmi, Goddess of Abundance and Beauty.

Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Morning Intensive with Clara
Join a Virtual Vinyasa Yoga Morning Intensive from Friday, November 5th - Monday, November 8th. Take a 2-hour class each day from 6-8AM PST.